Research and Projects

Coastal Site Screening Tool


Welcome to the Great Lakes Experimental Mussel Suppression Site Screening Tool (GLEMST)

As a part of the Invasive Mussel Collaborative (IMC) September, 2019 meeting, an ad hoc work group of 12 IMC members met to initially start the process of developing coastal site priorities for potential dreissenid mussel experimental control. The work group was tasked with 1) a review of information on where dreissenids are impacting Great Lakes resources, 2) identification of criteria for evaluating sites based on this information and other considerations, and 3) development of a process for prioritizing sites for potential management activities. As a result of this meeting, the work group evaluated five criteria in an evaluation matrix and began development of a prioritization tool which is presented below. The purpose of this dashboard and index is to inform future applied dreissenid research and management activities by aiding site prioritization. The final report describing this effort is available here: IMC Coastal Site Prioritization Process Report