Dreissena Laboratory Toxicity and Open Water Control Test Methods
The Toxicity Testing Work Group of the Invasive Mussel Collaborative reviewed and compiled published studies and reports on dreissenid control studies, both laboratory-based toxicity studies and open water treatments using molluscicides. The table on the first tab displays a summarized list of recommendations from the published manuscript. A PDF version of this table can be viewed here. The table on the second tab displays the collection of literature reviewed for dreissenid laboratory toxicity test methods. The table on the third tab displays the collection of literature for open water treatment test methods.
To search the papers listed below, click the search bar in the table header below and then type in a keyword, author, journal, toxicant, or year and the table will filter the results.
A file containing both laboratory and open water test methods presented below can be downloaded here. (Last updated: 8/9/2022). The manuscript, Review and Development of Best Practices for Toxicity Tests with Dreissenid Mussels, can be accessed here.
- Summary of Toxicity Test Recommendations
- Dreissena Laboratory Toxicity Test Literature
- Open Water Control Test Methods
Topic Area | Post-settlement | Post-settlement Report | Pre-settlement | Pre-settlement Report |
Species identification | Select a collection location with one species. If mixed population, use morphological keys to identify and verify with DNA analysis. | Report estimated percent of each species in the population and the method(s) used for identification. | Select a collection location with one species and verify species identification of the adult population at the site. DNA analysis can be used to verify species identification. If mixed population, examine a representative subsample with compound microscope and use morphological keys to identify. | Report estimated percent of each species in the population and the method(s) used for identification. |
Collection methods | Place artificial substrates 2-3 months before study initiation to obtain mussels of the same cohort and similar exposure history. Collect mussels from natural substrates when required to meet time frame and/or a range of size classes are tested. Remove mussels from substrates by cutting byssal thread attachment and avoid pulling on byssal organ. Rinse mussels with water to remove organic material before placement in transport container. | Report water chemistry/ quality at the collection site (temperature, pH, alkalinity, hardness, conductivity at a minimum). Report the method of collection and handling methods for transport to the study site. | Laboratory culture: collect adult mussels in spawning condition and hold in the laboratory at < 15 ◦C until spawning is initiated. See Ram et al. 1993; Nichols 1993; Stoeckel et al. 2004 for spawning and culture methods. Field collection: Spawning occurs when water temperature is > 15 ◦C; monitor veliger development and density at least once a week during the spawning period to determine optimal time for test animal collection. Collect veligers with a 53 to 63 micron mesh plankton net or pump source water through a similar size mesh screen. Collect a representative subsample (minimum of 3 replicates) from the concentrated veliger stock and enumerate total number and number by life stage. | Report water chemistry/ quality at the collection site (temperature, pH, alkalinity, hardness, conductivity at a minimum). Report the method of collection and density of the veliger stock. |
Size/age class | Size at maturity varies among locations and can be determined by preparing gonadal squashes from a size range of animals. Once determined, juvenile and adult mussels can be separated by size to compare response to a test agent. Limit the size range (shell length) of mussels in a test group to 5 mm or less (e.g., 8 to 13 mm or 10 to 15 mm). | Report shell length, average, standard deviation or error, minimum and maximum, number measured in test group (at a minimum). | Determine larval stage based on physical features, rather than shell size; refer to Nichols 1993 and Ackerman et al. 1994). When size is included with larval features, measure height and length of shell. Height is defined as maximum axis from hinge to ventral shell margin; length is defined as maximum anterior-posterior axis, parallel to hinge. | Report method used to estimate and distinguish life stage. |
Holding | Hold mussels for at least 1 week before testing to monitor mortality and to acclimate to test conditions. Provide substrate for attachment. Ensure adequate water exchange to maintain water quality, per ASTME279-23e1 (2023) guidelines. When mussels are held for > 1 week before testing, feed daily at 2.0 to 6.0 mg/L as dry weight with mixed algal die that includes Isochrysis. When holding mussels for > 2 weeks, reduce water temperature < 12 ◦C and reduce feeding rate to reduce metabolic and reproductive activity and prevent fouling of tanks. | Report (at a minimum) temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, mortality, feeding rate and ration (daily), alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, conductivity (weekly). | Do not hold veligers for > 48 h before testing. | Report (at a minimum) temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (daily), alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, conductivity (once in 48 h). |
Monitoring condition | When mussels are held for an extended time > 2 weeks, measure condition every 2-4 week and before testing. Use 1) tissue: shell condition indices (e.g., Davenport and Chen 1987; Ciparis et al. 2019) or 2) glycogen concentration as indicators of condition. | Report methods used to monitor condition and frequency of measurement. | Do not hold veligers for > 48 h before testing. See suitability for testing. | NA |
Acclimation | Acclimate mussels to test temperature and dilution water for a minimum of 48 per ASTM E729-23e1 (2023) guidelines. Acclimate to temperature at a maximum of 0.5 ◦C/h or 3 ◦C/12 h. Do not feed during acclimation. | Report daily water temperature and water quality during the acclimation period. Monitor daily mortality and discard test organisms if mortality exceeds 0.2% per day during acclimation. | When source and dilution water chemistry differ, acclimate for 2 to 24 h by partial water exchanges to 100% dilution water. | Report water temperature and water quality during the acclimation period. |
Suitability for testing | Do not use for testing if mortality exceeds 0.2%/day for 3 consecutive days before test (ASTM E279-23e1, 2023). Use at least one additional criterion for evaluation including: 1. Select only mussels which are filtering and close when disturbed 2. Select mussels which resist opening when gentle pressure is applied to open the valves. Discard mussel that can be opened with minimal effort. 3. Cut byssal attachment one day before test initiation. Select only mussels that reattach within 24 h. | Report the criteria used to determine suitability for testing. Optional: Include a reference toxicant with each toxicity trial to generate comparative data on sensitivity over time (during the holding period) and among source populations. | Examine 3 to 4 representative subsamples of veliger stock and determine number dead and alive. Discard the test stock if the percent alive is < 90%. | Report the method used to estimate veliger stock density and precent alive. Optional: Include a reference toxicant with each trial to generate comparative data on veliger sensitivity across trials and among source populations. |
Sample size | Test 10-50 mussels per experimental unit; include a minimum of 3 replicates per treatment. Increase sample size and replicate number for test agents that induce prolonged valve closure. | Report number of mussels per experimental unit, volume of experimental unit, number of replicates per treatment. | Test 100-500 veligers per experimental unit; include a minimum of 3 replicates per treatment. Increase sample size and the number of control units to account for natural mortality. | Report number (or estimate) of veligers per experimental unit, volume of experimental unit, number of replicates per treatment, number of controls. |
Mortality criteria | Detach mussels from substrate for mortality assessment. Mortality criteria are 1) closed valves do not resist opening when slight pressure is applied; 2) open valves do not close in response to probing. | Report the process and criteria used for mortality assessment. | Conduct mortality assessment under a stereo- or compound (preferable) microscope. Stereomicroscope: Stain sample with fast green. Locate veligers with cross-polarized light and observe without polarizer. Live: motile, ciliary or internal organ movement, green “gut spot.” Dead: no movement, green stain is not limited to gut, but is diffuse. Compound microscope: Stain can be used but is not essential. Place 1 mL sample on Sedgewick-Rafter counting cell and examine at 40 to 100. Live: ciliary, organ or locomotor movement. Dead: no ciliary or organ activity, extrusion or abnormal appearance of internal organs. | Report the process and criteria used for mortality assessment. Adjustments for natural mortality: 1. Use statistical models to compare survival in control, or reference, and toxicant treatments. 2. Use Abbot’s formula to correct for natural mortality. 3. Calculate treatment-related mortality as a percent reduction from control mortality. |
Attachment | When attachment is a response measure, place substrates in holding tanks for 3-7 days to promote biofilm formation. | Report the type of substrate (material, size, texture used for mussel attachment. One or more of the following methods can be used to assess affects of a test agent on attachment: 1. Detach mussels before exposure to a test agent. Score reattachment during exposure as yes or no. 2. Detach mussels before exposure to a test agent. Count the number of byssal threads produced during exposure. 3. Expose attached mussels to a test agent. Count the number of mussels that fully detach during toxicant. 4. Expose attached mussels to a test agent. Calculate a byssogenesis index = number of foot extensions × number of byssus threads produced/time. Report the method used and criterion for evaluating attachment. | NA | NA |
Settlement | NA | NA | Evaluate settlement in a flow-through system with adequate density of veligers in the source water (minimum 2-10 veligers/L). Estimate veliger density and viability at initiation, midpoint and end of a study (at a minimum). Provide uniform substrates for settlement (PVC plates, glass sides) and allow at least 2 weeks for settlement to occur. Settlement may be assessed with or without a stereomicroscope, depending on mussel size. | Report method of assessment and number of mussels per area. |
Exposure methods and reporting parameters | Use a test cohort that is collected from the same source, date and of similar size. Provide clean substrates and use only attached mussels, unless byssal attachment is an endpoint. The choice of dilution water will depend on study objectives. Avoid use of dechlorinated water. Measure temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH (daily), alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, ammonia (frequency depends on exposure duration) in at least one test vessel per treatment. | Report source and date of collection, source water chemistry and temperature. Report source and chemistry of the dilution water. Report water quality/chemistry of test vessels during exposure. Report test cohort characteristics (shell length, mean, standard deviation, range, n). | Estimate the density, percent alive and life stage composition of the test population by examination at 40 to 100 ×. Discard if the percent alive is <90%. Use uncontaminated source water in control vessels and report water chemistry (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, conductivity). When the test water is not from the source of veliger collection, and differs in water chemistry, acclimate veligers to the test water for up to 24 h. Monitor mortality during the acclimation period and discard veligers if mortality exceeds 10% during the acclimation period. Avoid us of dechlorinated water. Use test vessels that allow for measurement of water quality and test chemical. Refer to Davis et al. 2016 for veliger immersion vessels. Limit exposure to 48 to 96 h. | Report source and date of collection, source water chemistry and temperature. Report source and chemistry of the dilution water. Report water quality/chemistry of test vessels during exposure. Report veliger test population density, percent alive, number by life stage. |
Post-exposure | Transfer mussels to untreated water for at least 48-96 h post-exposure. A longer post-exposure may be needed when water temperature is low or the test agent causes delayed mortality. | Report water chemistry of holding vessels during the post-exposure period. | Limit the post-exposure period to ≤ 96 h. To minimize handling, use a veliger immersion vessel (Davis et al. 2016) to transfer veligers to untreated water. | Report water chemistry of holding vessels during the post-exposure period. |
Authors | Date | Title | Life stage | Control agent | Response measure | Nontarget species | Journal |
Addis, Caroline | 2016 | Development Of A Dreissena Bioassay To Assess The Toxicity Of Contaminants Across Two Life History Stages | Adult, Pre-settlement | 3 surfactant mixtures (Chemgaurd first class, Phoschek first response, Phoschek WD881) | Mortality | NA | Wayne State University |
Afanasyev, Sergey; Sergey Shcherbak; Pavel Gusak; Stanley Ross; Julia Gromova | 2015 | Technology for Eliminating Dreissena Biofouling in Hydrofacilities | Adult | High pressure, high temp water jet pulse | Oxygen consumption, Growth | NA | Water Quality Research Journal of Canada |
Aldridge, David C.; Elliott, Paul; Moggridge, Geoff D. | 2006 | Microencapsulated BioBullets for the Control of Biofouling Zebra Mussels | Adult | Potassium Chloride (KCl) | Mortality | Molluscs | Environmental Science and Technology |
Angarano, McMahon; Robert F.; Schetz, John A. | 2007 | Efficacy of selected natural and synthetic novel organic compounds in prevention of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) macrofouling by byssal attachment inhibition. | Adult | Capsaicin, N-vanillylnonanimide, N-benzoylmonethanolamine, Anandamide, Linoleyl ethanoloamide, O-2050, Noladin ether, CP 55,940, AM630 | Mortality, Attachment | Invertebrates (Daphnia magna) | The University of Texas at Arlington |
Barbour; Schueller; Severson; Wise; Meulemans; Luoma; Waller | 2021 | Concentration addition and independent action assessments of the binary mixtures of four toxicants on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) mortality | Adult | Potassium Chloride (KCl), EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) Niclosamide, Clam-Trol CT-2 | Mortality | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Barbour, Matthew T.; Wise, J.K.; Luoma, J.A. | 2018 | A Bioassay Assessment of a Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Eradication Treatment | Adult | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) | Mortality | NA | Report |
Barenberg, Amber; Moffitt, Christine M. | 2018 | Toxicity of Aqueous Alkaline Solutions to New Zealand Mudsnails, Asian Clams, and Quagga Mussels | Adult, Juvenile | Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) (pH differences) | Mortality | Molluscs (quagga mussel, New Zealand mudsnail, and Asian clam) | Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management |
Bidwell, Joseph R.; Jerry L. Farris; Donald S. Cherry | 1995 | Comparative response of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, and the Asian clam, CorbiculaJ-luminea, to DGH/QUAT, a nonoxidizing molluscicide | Adult | DGH/QUAT, surfactant | Mortality | Mollusc (Asian Clam) | Aquatic Toxicology |
Binelli, Andrea; Parolini, Marco; Pedriali, Alessandra; Provini, Alfredo | 2011 | Antioxidant Activity in the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Response to Triclosan Exposure | Adult | Triclosan | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Water Air & Soil Pollution |
Boegehold, Anna G.; Johnson; Ram; Kashian | 2018 | Cyanobacteria reduce quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) spawning and fertilization success | Adult | Cyanobacteria, microcystin | reproduction | NA | Freshwater Science |
Boegehold, Anna G.; Johnson; Kashian | 2019 | Dreissenid (quagga and zebra mussel) veligers are adversely affected by bloom forming cyanobacteria | Pre-settlement | Cyanobacteria, microcystin | Mortality | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Boegehold, Anna G.; Donna R. Kashian | 2021 | Stress tolerance of two freshwater invaders exposed to Microcystis aeruginosa and microcystin-LR | Adult | Cyanobacteria, microcystin | Filtration, oxygen consumption, Enzymatic Activity | Molluscs (Asian Clam) | Hydrobiologia |
Borcherding; Jost; Janz; Brigitte | 1997 | Valve movement response of the mussel Dreissena polymorpha – the influence of pH and turbidity on the acute toxicity of pentachlorophenol under laboratory and field conditions | Adult | pentachlorophenol | valve movement | NA | Ecotoxicology |
Bourgeault, Adeline; Gourlay-France; Catherine; Tusseau-Vuillemin; Marie-Helene | 2010 | MODELING THE EFFECT OF WATER CHEMISTRY ON THE BIOACCUMULATION OF WATERBORNE CADMIUM IN ZEBRA MUSSELS | Adult | Cadmium (Cd), Influenced by Zinc (Zn), Calcium (Ca), and DOC | Bioaccumulation, filtration | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Bourgeault, Adeline; Gourlay-France; Tusseau-Vuillemin | 2010 | MODELING THE EFFECT OF WATER CHEMISTRY ON THE BIOACCUMULATION OF WATERBORNE CADMIUM IN ZEBRA MUSSELS | Adult | Cadmium (Cd) | Bioaccumulation | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Bouskill, Nicolas; Handy, Richard D.; Ford, Tim E.; Galloway, Tamara S. | 2006 | Differentiating copper and arsenic toxicity using biochemical biomarkers in Asellus aquaticus and Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Copper (CuCl2), Arsenic (NaAsO2) | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Brand, Sarel; Johannes H. Erasmus; Marelize Labuschagne; Daniel Grabner; Milen Nachev; Sonja Zimmermann;Victor Wepener; Nico Smit; Bernd Sures | 2018 | Bioaccumulation and metal-associated biomarker responses in a freshwater mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, following short-term platinum exposure | Adult | Platinum (Pt) | bioaccumulation | NA | Environmental Pollution |
Britton, David K.; Dingman, Sandra | 2011 | Use of quaternary ammonium to control the spread of aquatic invasive species by wildland fire equipment | Pre-settlement | Sparquat 256, ammonium chloride | Mortality | NA | Aquatic Invasions |
Choi W. J.; Gerstenberger; McMahon; Wong | 2013 | Estimating survival rates of quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) veliger larvae under summer and autumn temperature regimes in residual water of trailered watercraft at Lake Mead, USA | Pre-settlement | NA | Mortality | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Claudi, Renata; Graves; Taraborelli; Prescott; Mastitsky | 2012 | Impact of pH on survival and settlement of dreissenid mussels | Adult, Pre-settlement | pH (phosphoric acid added) | Mortality, settlement | NA | Aquatic Invations |
Claudi, Renata; Prescott; Prescott; Mastitsky; Evans; Taraborelli | 2013 | Evaluating high pH for control of dreissenid mussels | Adult, Pre-settlement | pH (sodium hydroxide added) | Mortality, settlement | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Clayton, Maureen E.; Steinmann, Roland; Fent, Karl | 2000 | Different expression patterns of heat shock proteins hsp 60 and hsp 70 in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) exposed to copper and tributyltin | Adult | Copper (CuSO4), tributyltin | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Clifton; Albright; Matthew | 2015 | Preventing zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veliger attachment using potassium permanganate | Pre-settlement | Potassium permanganate | attachment | NA | Report |
Contardo-Jara, Valeska; Lorenz; Pflugmacher; Nutzmann; Kloas; Wiegand | 2011 | Exposure to human pharmaceuticals Carbamazepine, Ibuprofen and Bezafibrate causes molecular effects in Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Carbamazepine, ibuprofen, bezafibrate | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Cope, Gregory W.; Bartsch, Michelle R.; Marking, Leif L. | 1997 | EFFICACY OF CANDIDATE CHEMICALS FOR PREVENTING ATTACHMENT OF ZEBRA MUSSELS (DREISSENA POLYMORPHA) | Adult | Capsaicin, acids, 47 chemicals tested | Mortality, attachment | Fish (bluegill, channel catfish, rainbow trout) | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Costa, R.; Aldridge; Moggridge | 2008 | Seasonal variation of zebra mussel susceptibility to molluscicidal agents | Adult | Potassium Chloride (KCl), niclosamide salt, polyDADMAC | Mortality | NA | Journal of Applied Ecology |
Costa, R.; Aldridge; Moggridge | 2012 | Multicomponent molluscicide mixtures for zebra mussel control | Adult | Potassium Chloride (KCl), niclosamide salt, polyDADMAC, TCMTB | Mortality | NA | Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Costa, R.; Elliott; Aldridge; Moggridge | 2011 | Enhanced mortality of the biofouling zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, through the application of combined control agents | Adult | Potassium Chloride (KCl), polyDADMAC | Mortality | NA | Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Couleau, Nicolas; Techer; Pagnout; Jomini; Foucaud; Laval-Gilly; Falla; Bennasroune | 2012 | Hemocyte responses of Dreissena polymorpha following a short-term in vivo exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles: Preliminary investigations | Adult | Titanium dioxide nanoparticles | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Science of the Total Environment |
Dauberschmidt, C.; D. R. Dietrich*; C. Schlatter | 1995 | Toxicity of Organophosphorus Insecticides in the Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha P. | Adult | Thiometon, disulfoton, demeton-S-methyl, malathion | Mortality, bioaccumulation | NA | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Davis, Eric A.; Wong, Wai H.; Harman, Willard N. | 2018 | Toxicity of Potassium Chloride Compared to Sodium Chloride for Zebra Mussel Decontamination | Adult, Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl) | Mortality | NA | Journal of Aquatic Animal Health |
Davis, Eric A.; Wong, Wai H.; Harman, Willard N. | 2015 | Comparison of Three Sodium Chloride Chemical Treatments for Adult Zebra Mussel Decontamination | Adult | Sodium Chloride (NaCl), Iodized table salt, water softener salt | Mortality | NA | Journal of Shellfish Research |
Davis, Eric A.; Wong, Wai H.; Harman, Willard N. | 2015 | Distilled white vinegar (5% acetic acid) as a potential decontamination method for adult zebra mussels | Adult | Acetic acid | Mortality | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Del Piero, Stefania; Masiero, Luciano; Casellato, Sandra | 2012 | INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON FLUORIDE TOXICITY AND BIOACCUMULATION IN THE NONINDIGENOUS FRESHWATER MOLLUSK DREISSENA POLYMORPHA PALLAS, 1769 | Adult | Flouride | Mortality, bioaccumulation | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Edwards, William J.; Babcock-Jackson; Culver | 2002 | Field Testing of Protocols to Prevent the Spread of ZebraMussels Dreissena polymorpha during Fish Hatchery and Aquaculture Activities | Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), KCl+formalin | Mortality | Fish (walleye, saugeye) | North American Journal of Aquaculture |
Edwards, William J.; LISA BABCOCK-JACKSON; DAVID A. CULVER | 2000 | Prevention of the Spread of Zebra Mussels during Fish Hatchery and Aquaculture Activities | Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), TFM, formalin, Sodium Chloride (NaCl), Calcium Chloride (CaCl₂) | Mortality | Fish (walleye, saugeye, largemouth bass, sunshine bass, channel catfish, rainbow trout, golden trout, brown trout, muskellunge) | North American Journal of Aquaculture |
Fisher, S. Warwick; Stromberg, Paul; Bruner, Kathleen A.; Boulet, Denise L. | 1991 | Molluscicidal activity of potassium to the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorphia: toxicity and mode of action | Adult | Potassium Phosphate (KH2PO4), Potassium pyrophosphate (K4P2O7), Potassium Iodide (KI), Potassium Chloride (KCl), Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) | Mortality | Molluscs (paper pondshell, corbicula, snail [Helisoma spp.]), Fish (mosquito fish) | Aquatic Toxicology |
Fisher, Susan; Dabrowska; Waller; Babcock-Jackson; Zhang | 1994 | Sensitivity of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Life Stages to Candidate Molluscicides | Adult, Juvenile, Pre-settlement | Bayluscide, Niclosamide, Calgon H-130, Clamtrol CT-1, Rotenone, Salicylanilide, TFM | Mortality | NA | Journal of Shellfish Research |
Fisher, Susan W.; Hwang, Haejo; Atanasoff, Mark; Landrum, Peter F. | 1999 | Lethal Body Residues for Pentachlorophenol in Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) under Varying Conditions of Temperature and pH | Adult | Pentachlorophenol | Mortality | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Genco, Madeline; Wong, David | 2015 | The effects of Earth Tec, a mulloscide, on zebra mussel mortality | Adult, Pre-settlement | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) | Mortality | NA | document |
Genthner, Fred J.; Winstead; Gillet; Van Fleet; Viel; Genovese; Singer | 1997 | Effects of a Molluscicidal Strain of Bacillus alvei on Digestive Tubule sof Zebra Mussels, Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Bacillus alvei | Mortality, filtration | NA | Journal of Invertebrate Pathology |
Giamberini, L.; Czembor, N; Pihan, J.C. | 1995 | Inhibitory Effects of an Organic Molluscicide on Byssal Thread Development in Zebra Mussels | Adult | Mexel 432, N-COCO ALKYLTRIMETHYLENEDIAMINES; N-OLEYL-1,3-DIAMINOPROPANE | attachment | NA | Journal of Invertebrate Pathology |
Giamberini, Laure; Pihan, Jean Claude | 1997 | Lysosomal changes in the hemocytes of the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha experimentally exposed to lead and zinc | Adult | Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Diseases of Aquatic Organisms |
Hanana, Houda; Turcotte, Andre; Gagnon, Gagne | 2017 | Comparative study of the effects of gadolinium chloride and gadolinium e based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent on freshwater mussel, Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Gadolinium (gadolinium chloride, omniscan) | bioaccumulation, enymatic activity | NA | Chemosphere |
Hanana, Houda; Turcotte, Dube; Gagnon, Gagne | 2018 | Response of the freshwater mussel, Dreissena polymorpha to sub-lethal concentrations of samarium and yttrium after chronic exposure | Adult | Samarium (Sm), Yttrium (Yt) | bioaccumulation, enymatic activity | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Iwanyckyj, E.; Albright, Matthew; Stich Daniel | 2017 | Effectiveness of molluscicide EarthTec® QZ on adult and veliger zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha mortality | Adult, Pre-settlement | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) | Mortality | NA | Report |
Kannappan Vijayavel; Donna R. Kashian | 2018 | Toxic effect and physiological disruption of sodium phosphate to the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) | Adult | Sodium Phosphate (NA3PO4) | Mortality, oxygen consumption, filtration | NA | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Kennedy, Alan J; Millward, Rod N; Steevens, Jeffery A; Lynn, John W; Perry, Karen D | 2006 | Relative Sensitivity of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Life-stages to Two Copper Sources | Adult, Pre-settlement | Copper (Cutrine Ultra and CuSO4) | Mortality | NA | Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Kilgour, B.W.; Baker, M.A. | 1993 | Effects of Season, Stock, and Laboratory Protocols on Survival of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in Bioassays | Adult, Juvenile | Sodium Hypochlorite, Bayer 73, Collection season, Stock Location, Mussel Size, Maintenance Method, Thermal Acclimation Rate | Mortality | NA | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Kraak Michiel H.S.; Wijnands, Paul; Govers, Harrie A.J.; Admiraal, Wim; De Voogt, Pim | 1997 | STRUCTURAL-BASED DIFFERENCES IN ECOTOXICITY OF BENZOQUINOLINE ISOMERS TO THE ZEBRA MUSSEL (DREISSENA POLYMORPHA) | Adult | Acridine, Phenanthridine, Benzo[f]quinoline, Benzo[h]quinoline | Filtration | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Kraak, M.H.S; Stuijfzand, S.C; Admiraal, W. | 1999 | Short-Term Ecotoxicity of a Mixture of Five Metals to the Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Nickel (Ni), Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb) | Bioaccumulation, filtration | NA | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Kraak, M.H.S; Schoon; Peeters; Vanstraalen | 1993 | Chronic Ecotoxicity of Mixtures of Cu, Zn, and Cd to the Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd) | mortality, filtration, bioaccumulation | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Kraak, Michiel; Lavy, Daphna; Schoon, Hans; Toussaint, Merel; Peeters, Wilma; Straalen, Nico | 1993 | ECOTOXICITY OF MIXTURES OF METALS TO THE ZEBRA MUSSEL DREISSENA POLYMORPHA | Adult | Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd) | Filtration | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Kraak, Michiel; Wink; Stuijfzand; Buckert-de Jong; de Groot; Admiraal | 1994 | Chronic ecotoxicity of Zn and Pb to the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb) | Mortality, filtration | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Kraak, Michiel H.S.; Ainscough; Fernandez; van Vlaardingen; do Voogt, Admiraal | 1997 | Short-term and chronic exposure of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) to acridine : effects and metabolism | Adult | Acridine | Mortality, filtration | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Lake-Thompson, Ian; Hofmann, Ron | 2019 | Effectiveness of a copper based molluscicide for controlling Dreissena adults | Adult | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) | Mortality | NA | Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology |
Le, T.T. Yen; Grabner; Nachev; Garcia; Balsa-Canto; Peijnenburg; Hendriks, Sures | 2021 | Development of a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model simulating chronic copper toxicity to the Zebra mussel based on subcellular fractionation | Adult | Sodium (Na), Copper (Cu) | Bioaccumulation | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Luoma, James A.; Dean; Severson; Wise; Barbour | 2017 | Use of alternating and pulse direct current electrical fields for zebra mussel control | Adult | Alternating or direct electric current | Mortality | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Luoma, James A.; Severson; Barbour; Wise | 2018 | Effects of temperature and exposure duration on four potential rapid-response tools for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) eradication | Adult | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) , Niclosamide, Potassium Chloride (KCl), Zequanox (Pseudomonas flourescens) | Mortality | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Luoma, James A.; Severson; Barbour; Wise | 2018 | Exposure-related effects of Zequanox on juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) | NA | Zequanox (Pseudomonas flourescens) | Mortality | Fish | Management of Biological Invasions |
Mackie, Gerald L.; Kigour, Bruce W. | 1995 | EFFICACY AND ROLE OF ALUM IN REMOVAL OF ZEBRA MUSSEL VELIGER LARVAE FROM RAW WATER SUPPLIES | Pre-settlement | Alum, Hydrogen ion | mortality | NA | Water Research |
Magni, Stefano; Parolini; Della Torre; Fernandes de Oliveira; Catani; Guzzinati; Cavazzini; Binelli | 2017 | Multi-biomarker investigation to assess toxicity induced by two antidepressants on Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | fluoxetine, citalopram | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Science of the Total Environment |
Magni, Stefano; Gagne, Andre; Della Torre; Auclair; Hanana; Parenti; Bonasoro; Binelli | 2018 | Evaluation of uptake and chronic toxicity of virgin polystyrene microbeads in freshwater zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca: Bivalvia) | adult | Polystyrene microbeads | Filtration, enzymatic activity | NA | Science of the total Environment |
Martin, I.D.; Mackie, G.L; Baker, M.A | 1993 | Control of the Biofouling Mollusc, Dreissena polymorpha (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae), with Sodium Hypochlorite and with Polyquaternary Ammonia and Benzothiazole Compounds | Juvenile | Sodium hypochlorite, BULAB 6002, BULAB 6009 | Mortality | NA | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Martin, I.D.; Mackie, G.L.; Baker, M.A. | 1993 | Acute Toxicity Tests and Pulsed-Dose Delayed Mortality at 12 and 22°C in the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) | Juvenile | Sodium hypochlorite, Bulab 6002, Hydrogen Peroxide | Mortality | NA | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Martinez, J. D. | 2020 | EFFECTS OF COPPER AND TEMPERATURE ON THE LIFE STAGES OF THE INVASIVE ZEBRA MUSSEL | Adult, juvenile, Pre-settlement | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) | Mortality, reproduction | NA | Thesis - Texas Christian University |
Meehan, Sara; Shannon, Adam; Gruber, Bridget; Rackl, Sarahann M.; Lucy, Frances E. | 2014 | Ecotoxicological impact of Zequanoxs, a novel biocide, on selected non-target Irish aquatic species | NA | Zequanox (Pseudomonas flourescens) | Mortality | Molluscs (duck mussel, Anodonta), Invertebrates ( non-biting midge C. plumosus, white-clawed crayfish A. pallipes) | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Moffitt, Christine M.; Stockton-Fiti, Kelly A.; Claudi, Renata | 2016 | Toxicity of potassium chloride to veliger and byssal stage dreissenid mussels related to water quality | Adult, Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), NaCl | mortality | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Molloy, Daniel P.; Mayer; Gaylo; Morse; Presti; Sawyko; Karatayev; Burlakova; Laruelle; Nishikawa; Griffin | 2013 | Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A – A biopesticide for the control of zebra and quagga mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) | Adult | Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A | Mortality | NA | Journal of Invertebrate Pathology |
Molloy, Daniel P.; Mayer, Denise A.; Giamberini, Laure; Gaylo, Michael J. | 2013 | Mode of action of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A, a lethal control agent of dreissenid mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) | Adult | Bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A) | Mortality, histology | NA | Journal of Invertebrate Pathology |
Nowicki, C.; Kashian, Donna R. | 2018 | Comparison of Lipid Peroxidation and Catalase Response in Invasive Dreissenid Mussels Exposed to Single and Multiple Stressors: Comparing oxidative stress response in dreissenid mussels | Adult | PCB, density, temperature, hypoxia | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
O'Donnell, J. Michael; Durand; Robitaille; Warwick Fisher; Stromberg | 1996 | 31P-NMR Analysis of Lethal and Sublethal Lesions Produced by KC1-Intoxication in the Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha | Juvenile | Bayluscide, Niclosamide, Potassium Chloride (KCl) | Enzymatic Activity, movement | NA | The Journal of Experimental Zoology |
O'Meara; Hosler; Denise | 2016 | Interim Report : Zebra mussel eradication, potash study San Justo Reservoir. | Adult | Potassium (K+) | Mortality | NA | Report |
Parolini, Marco; Binelli | 2013 | Adverse effects induced by ecgonine methyl ester to the zebra mussel: A comparison with the benzoylecgonine | Adult | Benzoylecgonine | Hemocyte viability, enzymatic activity | NA | Environmental Pollution |
Parolini, Marco; Pedriali; Binelli | 2013 | Application of a Biomarker Response Index for Ranking the Toxicity of Five Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) to the Bivalve Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Triclosan, trimethoprim, diclofenac, ibuprofen, paracetamol | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Parolini, Marco; Quinn, Brian; Binelli, Andrea; Provini, Alfredo | 2011 | Cytotoxicity assessment of four pharmaceutical compounds on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) haemocytes, gill and digestive gland primary cell cultures | Adult | Atenolol, carbamazepine, diclofenac, gemfibrozil | MTT reduction assay and Trypan blue test | NA | Chemosphere |
Parolini, Marco; Binelli, Andrea; Provini, Alfredo | 2011 | Chronic effects induced by ibuprofen on the freshwater bivalve Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Ibuprofen | Hemocyte viability, enzymatic activity | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Parolini, Marco; Binelli; Andrea | 2012 | Sub-lethal effects induced by a mixture of three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on the freshwater bivalve Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Diclofenac, ibuprofen, paracetamol | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Ecotoxicology |
Parolini, Marco; Magni, Stefano; Castiglioni, Sara; Zuccato, Ettore; Binelli, Andrea | 2015 | Realistic mixture of illicit drugs impaired the oxidative status of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) | Adult | Cocaine, benzoylecgonine, amphetamine, MDMA, morphine | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Chemosphere |
Parolini, Marco; Magni; Castiglioni; Binelli | 2016 | Amphetamine exposure imbalanced antioxidant activity in the bivalve Dreissena polymorpha causing oxidative and genetic damage | Adult | Amphetamine | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Chemosphere |
Parolini, Marco; Magni; Castiglioni; Binelli | 2016 | Amphetamine exposure imbalanced antioxidant activity in the bivalve Dreissena polymorpha causing oxidative and genetic damage | Adult | Amphetamine | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Chemosphere |
Parolini, Marco; Magni; Binelli | 2014 | Environmental concentrations of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced cellular stress and modulated antioxidant enzyme activity in the zebra mussel | Adult | 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA | Hemocyte viability, Filtration | NA | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Parolini, Marco; Pedriali; Riva; Binelli | 2013 | Sub-lethal effects caused by the cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine to the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Benzoylecgonine | Hemocyte viability, enzymatic activity | NA | Science of the Total Environment |
Perry, Karen; Lynn | 2009 | Detecting physiological and pesticide-induced apoptosis in early developmental stages of invasive bivalves | Pre-settlement | Bayluscide, Niclosamide | Cell mortality | Molluscs (Mediterranean mussel) | Hydrobiologia |
Pucherelli; Portz, Donald; Bloom, Kevin; Carmon, Jamie; Brenimer, Suzanne; Hosler, Denise | 2014 | Quagga Mussel Contamination of fish haul trucks by fish and development of effective potassium chloride and formalin treatments | Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), formalin | Mortality | NA | Journal of Applied Aquaculture |
Pucherelli; Claudi; Renata | 2017 | Evaluation of the effects of ultra-violet light treatment on quagga mussel settlement and veliger survival at Davis Dam | Pre-settlement | UV light | Mortality, settlement | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Quinn, Brian; Schmidt; O'Rrourke; Hernan | 2011 | Effects of the pharmaceuticals gemfibrozil and diclofenac on biomarker expression in the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and their comparison with standardised toxicity tests | Adult | Gemfibrozil, diclofenac | Enzymatic Activity | Invertebrates (Daphnia magna), Plants and Other ( algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, duckweed Lemna minor) | Chemosphere |
Quinn, Brian; Gagne; Blaise; Costello; Wilson; Mothersill | 2006 | Evaluation of the lethal and sub-lethal toxicity and potential endocrine disrupting effect of nonylphenol on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) | Adult | Nonylphenol | Mortality, attachment | NA | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology |
Rajagopal, Sanjeevi; GERARD VAN DER VELDE; HENK A. JENNER | 2002 | DOES STATUS OF ATTACHMENT INFLUENCE SURVIVAL TIME OF ZEBRA MUSSEL, DREISSENA POLYMORPHA, EXPOSED TO CHLORINATION? | Adult | Chlorine | Mortality, attachment, movement | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Ram, J.; Purohit; Newby; Cutright | 2012 | Evaluation of the natural product antifoulant, zosteric acid, for preventing the attachment of quagga mussels – a preliminary study | Adult | Zosteric acid | Attachment | NA | Natural Product Research |
Rao, D. G. V; Kahn, M.A.Q. | 2000 | Zebra mussels: enhancement of copper toxicity by high temperature and its relationship with respiration and metabolism | Adult | Copper (Cu) | Mortality | NA | Water Environment Research |
Riva, Consuelo; Cristoni; Simone; Binelli; Andrea | 2012 | Effects of triclosan in the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha: A proteomic investigation. 1w acclimation/holding | Adult | Triclosan | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Serdar, Osman; Aydın; Söylemez | 2021 | Effect of Beta-Cyfluthrin Pesticide on Zebra Mussel (Dressienna polymorpha) | Adult | Beta-Cyfluthrin Pestisitin | Mortality, Enzymatic Activity | NA | International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences |
Stalter, Daniel; Magdeburg, Axel; Oehlmann, Jorg | 2010 | Comparative toxicity assessment of ozone and activated carbon treated sewage effluents using an in vivo test battery | Adult | Ozone | Mortality | Molluscs (mud snail), invertebrates (blackworm, chironomid), macrophytes (duckweed) | Water Research |
Stockton-Fiti, Kelly A.; Moffitt, Christine M. | 2017 | Determining the toxicity of antifreeze to quagga mussels | Juvenile, Pre-settlement | Antifreeze | Mortality | NA | Report |
Stockton-Fiti, Kelly A.; Moffitt, Christine M. | 2017 | Investigation of the Edwards protocol’s effectiveness on dreissenid mussel veligers. | Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), formalin | Mortality | NA | Report |
Stockton-Fiti, Kelly A.; Moffitt, Christine M. | 2017 | Safety and efficacy of Virkon aquatic as a control tool for invasive Molluscs in aquaculture | Adult | Virkon Aquatic, Potassium monopersulfate | Mortality | Molluscs (New Zealand mudsnail), Fish (Rainbow trout) | Aquaculture |
Stockton-Fiti, Kelly A.; Claudi, Renata | 2017 | Use of a differential simple stain to confirm mortality of dreissenid mussel veligers in field and laboratory experiments | Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), fast green stain | Mortality | NA | Management of Biological Invasions |
Stuijfzand, S.C.; Kraak; Windk; Davids | 1994 | Short-term effects of nickel on the filtration rate of the zebra mussel | Adult | Nickel | filtration, bioaccumulation | NA | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Sykes, Catherine | 2009 | Efficacy of Potassium Chloride and Formalin for Removing Quagga Mussel Veligers from Transport Tanks at Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery | Pre-settlement | Potassium Chloride (KCl), KCl+formalin | Mortality | NA | Report |
Van Haelst, A.G.; Zhao, Q.; Van Der Wielen, W.M.; Govers, H.A.J.;De Voogt, P. | 1996 | Determination of Bioconcentration Factors of Eight Tetrachlorobenzyltoluenes in the Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha | adult | NA | Bioaccumulation | NA | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Vehovszky, Agnes; Farkas; Csidos; Szekacs; Mortl; Gyori | 2018 | Neonicotinoid insecticides are potential substrates of the multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) mechanism in the non-target invertebrate, Dreissena sp. | Adult | thiamethoxam, clothianidin, thiacloprid, imidacloprid | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Aquatic Toxicology |
Vijayavel, Kannappan; Kashian, Donna R. | 2019 | Toxic effect and physiological disruption of sodium phosphate to the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) | Adult | Sodium Phosphate (NA3PO4) | Mortality, Oxygen consumption, filtration | NA | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Waller, Diane L.; Rach, J.J.; Cope, W.G.; Marking L.L. | 1993 | Toxicity of candidate molluscicides to zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and selected nontarget organisms | Adult | Antimycin, Bayluscide, Niclosamide, Baythroid, Bulab 6002, Bulab 6009, Calgon H-130, Calgon DMDACC, Clamtrol CT-1, Copper sulfate (CuSO4), Endod, Juglone, KML V2, KML V54, Noxfish, Potassium chloride (KCl), Potassium, permanganate, Salicylanilide I, TFM | Mortality | Molluscs (threehorn wartyback O. reflexa), Fish (rainnbow trout, channel catfish) | Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Waller, Diane L.; Bartsch, Michelle R. | 2018 | Use of carbon dioxide in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) control and safety to native freshwater mussel (Fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) | Adult | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) | Mortality | Molluscs (fatmucket L. siliquoidea) | Management of Biological Invasions |
Waller, Diane L.; Luoma, James A.; Erickson, Richard | 2016 | Safety of the molluscicide Zequanox to nontarget macroinvertebrates Gammarus lacustris (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) and Hexagenia spp. (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) | NA | Zequanox (Pseudomonas flourescens) | Mortality | Invertebrates (Mayflies Ephemeroptera, Amphipoda) | Management of Biological Invasions |
Waller, Diane L.; Fisher, S.W. | 1998 | Evaluation of Several Chemical Disinfectants for Removing Zebra Mussels from Unionid Mussels | Juvenile, Pre-settlement | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2), Potassium Chloride (KCl), Sodium Chloride (NaCl), benzalkonium chloride, formalin, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) | Mortality | Molluscs (Elliptio dilatata, Lampsilis cardium, Lasmigona complanata, Obliquaria reflexa, Leptodea fragilis) | The Progressive Fish-Culturist |
Waller, Diane L.; Luoma, James A. | 2017 | Effects of the biopesticide Zequanox on reproduction and early development of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) | NA | Zequanox (Pseudomonas flourescens) | reproduction | Fish (fathead minnow Pimephales promelas) | Management of Biological Invasions |
Waller, Diane L.; Fisher, S.W.; Dabrowska, H. | 1996 | Prevention of Zebra Mussel Infestation and Dispersal during Aquaculture Operations | Adult, Juvenile, Pre-settlement | Acriflavine, Benzalkonium chloride, Calcium chloride (CaCl2), Calcium hydroxide (lime) Ca(OH)2 , Calcium hypochlorite, Chelated copper, Chloramine-T, Formalin, Hydrogen peroxide, Iodine, Potassium chloride, Potassium permanganate, Rotenone, Sodium chloride (NaCl) | Mortality | Fish (rainbow trout, lake trout, brown trout, fathead minnow, channel catfish, smallmouth bass, bluegill, yellow perch, walleye) | The Progressive Fish-Culturist |
Waller, Diane L.; Bartsch, Michelle R.; Lord, Eric G.; Erickson, Richard A. | 2020 | Temperature-Related Responses of an Invasive Mussel and 2 Unionid Mussels to Elevated Carbon Dioxide | multiple | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) | Mortality | Mollusc (unionid) | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Water, Ashlie | 2011 | Effectiveness of EarthTec on killing invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugenis) and preventing their colonization in the Western U.S. | Adult, Juvenile, Pre-settlement | EarthTec QZ, Copper (Cu) | Mortality | NA | University of Nevada |
Wildridge, P. J.; Werner, R.G.; Doherty, F.G.; Neuhauser, E.F. | 1998 | Acute Toxicity of Potassium to the Adult Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Potassium (K+), Clam-Trol CT-2 | Mortality, movement | NA | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Wildridge, Pamela J.; Robert G. Wernerl; Francis G. Doherty; and Edward F. Neuhauser | 1998 | Acute Effects of Potassium on Filtration Rates of Adult Zebra Mussels, Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Potassium (K+) | movement, filtration | NA | Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Yancheva, Vesela; Georgieva; Stoyanova; Tsvetanova; Todorova; Mollov; Velcheva | 2018 | Short- and Long-term Toxicity of Cadmium and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons on Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) | adult | Cadmium (Cd), Polyaromatic hydrocarbons | Enzymatic Activity | NA | Acta Zoologica Bulgaria |
Yen Le, T.T.; Garcia; Brabner; Nachev; Balsa-Canto; Hendriks; Zimmermann; Sures | 2020 | Mechanistic simulation of bioconcentration kinetics of waterborne Cd, Ag, Pd, and Pt in the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Cadmium (Cd), Platinum (Pt), Silver (Ag), Palladium (Pd) | bioaccumulation | NA | Chemosphere |
Zimmerman, Sonja; Alt; Messerchmidt; Von Bohlen; Taraschewski; Sures | 2002 | BIOLOGICAL AVAILABILITY OF TRAFFIC-RELATED PLATINUM-GROUP ELEMENTS (PALLADIUM, PLATINUM, AND RHODIUM) AND OTHER METALS TO THE ZEBRA MUSSEL (DREISSENA POLYMORPHA) IN WATER CONTAINING ROAD DUST | adult | Road dust, (Iron Fe, Copper Cu, Nickel Ni, Manganese Mn, Arsenic As, Chromium Cr, Cadium Cd, Cobalt Co, Lead Pb, Antimony Sb, Silver Ag, Bismuth Bi, Palladium Pd, Platinum Pt, Rhodium Rh) | Bioaccumulation | NA | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Zimmermann, Sonja; Ruchter, Nadine; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Sures, Bernd | 2017 | Nanoparticulate versus ionic silver: Behavior in the tank water, bioaccumulation, elimination and subcellular distribution in the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha | Adult | Silver (AgNO3 and Ag nano particle) | Bioaccumulation | NA | Environmental Pollution |
Zupan, I.; Kalafatic, M. | 2003 | Histological Effects of Low Atrazine Concentration on Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) | Adult | Atrazine | Mortality, histology | NA | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
2014 | Standard Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests on Test Materials with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates, and Amphibians | Uniform in age and size (immature are most sensitive) | NA | Mortality | NA | ||
2013 | Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Toxicity Tests with Freshwater Mussels | dependant on purpose and scope of study | NA | Mortality | NA | ||
2002 | Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms | Uniform in age and size (immature are most sensitive) | NA | Mortality | NA | ||
2002 | Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms | Uniform in age and size (immature are most sensitive) | NA | Mortality | NA |